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joss house n.(中國的)寺,廟;神龕。

joss paper

New world first ferry services limited will arrange special ferry service between joss house bay and north point on 30 april and 1 may saturday and sunday 新世界第一渡輪服務有限公司特別在2005年4月30日及2005年5月1日星期六及星期日,為各善信安排由北角至西貢大廟灣的特別渡輪服務。

Ferry tickets are available for sale on both days at north point west pier round - trip ticket only and joss house bay pier single - trip ticket from joss house bay to north point only 渡輪船票將于當日發售。售票地點設于北角西碼頭只售來回雙程套票及西貢大廟灣只售前往北角之單程票。

Every deluxe - class and fast ferry passenger can enjoy one free single - trip from north point to hung hom or kowloon city . single - trip ticket is only available for sale at joss house bay pier 乘客凡購買豪華位或高速船船票,即可憑票根免費乘搭由北角往紅?或九龍城渡輪服務壹程。

Every deluxe class and fast ferry passenger can enjoy one free single - trip from north point to hung hom or kowloon city . single - trip ticket is only available for sale at joss house bay pier 乘客凡購買豪華位或高速船船票,即可憑票根免費乘搭由北角往紅?或九龍城渡輪服務壹程。

The most photogenic temples are at yuen long in the northern new territories and joss house bay in sai kung , where a flotilla of boats is decked out with flags , pennants and streamers 當然是用火燒,據說把這些冥衣冥器冥鏹放進廟宇的大火爐中焚燒,陰間的祖先便會收到。

10 april 2005 , hong kong ) tin hau festival is approaching , why not pay a visit to tin hau temple at joss house bay in sai kung and pray for good health ( 2005年4月10日?香港)天后寶誕將至,大家不妨前往位于西貢大廟灣天后廟參觀及酬神上香,祈求風調雨順、身體健康。

Ferry tickets are available for sale at north point west pier ( round - trip ticket only ) and joss house bay pier ( single - trip ticket from joss house bay to north point only ) 售票地點設于北角西碼頭只售來回雙程套票及西貢大廟灣只售前往北角之單程票。

10 april 2005 , hong kong tin hau festival is approaching , why not pay a visit to tin hau temple at joss house bay in sai kung and pray for good health 2005年4月10日香港天后寶誕將至,大家不妨前往位于西貢大廟灣天后廟參觀及酬神上香,祈求風調雨順身體健康。

On 19 and 20 april 2006 , first ferry provides over 100 fast ferry and ordinary ferry departures for the public to visit joss house bay 于2006年4月19日及20日共提供超過100班高速船及普通渡輪服務,接載大批善信到天后廟參觀及酬神上香,祈求風調雨順身體健康。

Ferry tickets are available for sale at north point west pier ( round - trip ticket only ) and joss house bay pier ( single - trip ticket from joss house bay to north point only ) 售票地點設于北角西碼頭(只售來回雙程套票)及西貢大廟灣(只售前往北角之單程票) 。

Ferry tickets are available for sale at north point west pier round - trip ticket only and joss house bay pier single - trip ticket from joss house bay to north point only 售票地點設于北角西碼頭只售來回雙程套票及西貢大廟灣只售前往北角之單程票。

First ferry will arrange over 60 sailings plying between joss house bay and north point on 8 may 2007 tuesday and 9 may 2007 wednesday 新渡輪特別在2007年5月8日星期二及5月9日星期三,為善信安排超過60班由北角至西貢大廟灣的特別渡輪服務。

This year is the fourth consecutive year that first ferry provides ferry service from north point west pier to joss house bay during tin hau festival 新渡輪今年已是連續第四年于天后寶誕期間,提供往來北角碼頭及大廟灣的特別渡輪服務。

This year is the fifth consecutive year that first ferry provides ferry service from north point west pier to joss house bay during tin hau festival 新渡輪今年已是連續第五年于天后寶誕期間,提供往來北角碼頭及大廟灣的特別渡輪服務。

On 8 and 9 may 2007 , first ferry provided over 60 fast ferry and ordinary ferry departures for the public to joss house bay 于2007年5月8日及9日共提供超過60班高速船及普通渡輪服務,接載善信到天后廟酬神上香,祈求風調雨順身體健康。

Police will implement special traffic arrangements in joss house bay between april 12 and 24 to facilitate the celebration of tin hau festival 警方將于本月十二至二十四日在西貢大廟灣實施特別交通措施,以方便市民慶祝天后寶誕。

Police will implement special traffic arrangements in joss house bay until april 24 to facilitate the celebration of tin hau festival 警方將于四月期間直至四月二十四日在西貢大廟灣實施特別交通措施,以方便市民慶祝天后寶誕。

Up to 5 : 00 pm , first ferry has taken about 3 , 000 passengers to joss house bay . first ferry provides overnight hourly service to joss house bay today 今天來往北角至西貢大廟灣的特別渡輪服務將會通宵行走,每小時均有航班。

Up to 4 : 00 pm , first ferry has taken about 900 passengers to joss house bay . first ferry provides overnight hourly service to joss house bay today 今天來往北角至西貢大廟灣的特別渡輪服務將會通宵行走,每小時均有航班。